Get started with safe to run
Simple application security with Safe to run
Make security simple
Safe to run provides developers with a simple security as code interface to protect Android applications
Protection against attackers
Safe to run verify protects your app against attacker controlled input
Resilience to vulnerabilities
Protect your app from insecure devices with Safe to run resilience
Slow down reverse engineers
Add an extra layer of complexity for reverse engineers with Safe to Run resilience
Ready for the next level?
Introducing Safe to Run Plus, an enhancement to the Safe to Run security platform.
Real-time Security Analytics
Safe to Run Plus enables you to view security analytics, including the tracking of verify and resilience failures, in real-time.
Off-Device Verification
Extend your security perimeter off-device. With Safe to Run Plus, your servers can verify that API calls are originating from trusted devices.
Dynamic Configuration Updates
Stay agile and adaptable. Safe to Run Plus allows you to update your security configuration dynamically post-deployment using the Safe to Run builder.
Security as code
Write explicit instructions for when your app should or shouldn't run and embed security into your app from the start.
Unexpected functionality can lead to security holes
Safe to run verify ensures that by default all checks fail - this is called 'default' deny - and prevents a whole class of vulnerabilities caused by unexpected input

Trust nothing, verify everything
Use Safe to run verify to protect against attacker controlled inputs. This could be input from intents, re-directs from in-app chat or files downloaded

Is the device safe?
From simple checks like root checks, signature verification and emulator detection, to checking for malware or vulnerable devices - make specific decisions on when to run and when to not